The setting will be written in a mock scenario as a 3-way parent student confere

The setting will be written in a mock scenario as a 3-way parent student conference whereby a teacher reports on a student’s achievements from a lesson the teacher ( me) conducted on explaining what a lyrical poem called an Ode is about..
Two statements in the mock scenario have to be addressed they are …
NOTE BELOW: ( Incorporate this in the mock scenario to the parent – Teacher session).
1. One statement must explain what the student has learned and how this evidence was demonstrated.
… Include this below in the mock 3-way conference with parents about their child.
(The child demonstrated this by commenting that they understand that it is a poem that the Early Greeks would sing, to praise a momentum Occassion. The other demonstration the child did was conduct their own Ode poem).
2. The other statement must explain the student’s approach to learning and how this approach impacted their engagement in my lesson.
… Include that the child is attentive, focussed and ready to ask questions if need clarification. That by understanding he knows what task he has to do and completes it. Also, the child’s doesn’t get distracted but is focussed on completing what the teacher sets out to do.

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