Research Outline-Feedback from my Professor: Everything was great, except Part I

Research Outline-Feedback from my Professor:
Everything was great, except Part II. None of the references were acceptable because they were all websites. You have to use scholarly references for your Signature Project. Scholarly journal articles from peer-reviewed publications or textbooks on the topic have to be used. In addition, for the Literature Review section, you did not cite any sources which was an error. See student example provided. So…this section of your outline needs to be updated before submitting the final proposal. Other than that, I thought all other sections, especially Part III were excellent.
Can you please make those corrections on my outline and provide me with 10 references to use that you will also use in my paper?
I provided you with both good examples of what my outline and paper should look like.
The assignment must be submitted in Microsoft Word, Times New Roman font, 12 pt font size, margins 1” on all sides, and double-spaced. The assignment should be written on a graduate level, and references used should be cited within the paper and documented in a reference list using APA style.The originality of your work will be evaluated via SafeAssign. Leave time for revision and resubmission prior to the deadline in the event your originality score is too high. You may resubmit the assignment up to three times prior to the deadline. If your originality score is greater than 25% at the time of the deadline, points may be deducted. If your originality score is greater than 50%, your submission will not be graded, and a zero will be posted.

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