Reflect and respond to the following:  1. Do the terms “manager” and “leader” t

Reflect and respond to the following: 
1. Do the terms “manager” and “leader” truly imply different meanings to you, or do you think that “manager” has just become the unfortunate holding tank for all of the necessary endeavors that go with the job, while “leader” has been the honored recipient of all that is vaguely good and respectable?
2.  Are leaders (a) born with it, (b) taught it, or (c) had it “manufactured” for them?
3.  What are at least two take-aways from the readings (articles, links) of Module 1?
4.  How would you describe or explain the type of leadership needed in today’s challenging times: 1) COVID-19 pandemic and 2) divisive environment. Please refrain from political references, but instead, be contributive towards what is needed to manage/lead through these challenges. 

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