If you don’t meet the following guidelines, you will not receive the full points

If you don’t meet the following guidelines, you will not receive the full points for this assignment.
Speech topics you can’t use for your presentations: Steroids, sexually transmitted infections, abortion and no “how to” speeches on hunting, fishing, and sports.
The points are awarded as follows:
1. Followed the outline format provided in class= 5 points
2. Used key words and phrases= 5 points
3. Sources are cited as instructed= 5 points
4. Turned in on time in correct assignment= 5 points
Speech to Inform Outline Guidelines:
1. You must use the outline format I gave you in class. [Roman numerals I through VIII]
2. Your outline must be written in key words & phrases. I won’t accept an essay, paragraphs, etc… It should look like the example I provided you.
3. Three to five sources are required for this speech. They should all be direct sources. They must be cited in parenthesis in your outline as used [refer to the example I gave you]. You should also cite it out loud in the presentation.
4. This speech should be your own original work. If AI [artificial intelligence] is indicated, I will not accept it.
5. This outline must be used during your presentation.

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