Use the following reading to answer this question: Benjamin Braude, “Foundation

Use the following reading to answer this question: Benjamin Braude, “Foundation Myths of the Millet System” in Christians and Jews in the Ottoman empire: the functioning of a plural society, Vol.1: The Central lands eds. Benjamin Braude and Bernard Lewis (London 1982), 69-88
According to the historian Benjamin Braude, an earlier generation of Ottoman historians misunderstood what the “millet system” was about. How did they misunderstand it? How, then, does Braude understand the term “millet”? What implications does his new explanation of “millet” have for how we understand the Ottoman Empire?
In your answer, remember to cite a few concrete examples of how the term “millet” was used historically (remember to include the precise context in which the term was used). Do not forget to cite the page number — you may use a simple in-line citation style in your answer, i.e. (Braude 1982, 69)

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