This exercise will have two parts. Part 1 is a shoulder case, and Part 2 is a wr

This exercise will have two parts. Part 1 is a shoulder case, and Part 2 is a wrist case. Read through the patient cases and then record a video to answer the questions that follow each case. Be sure to review the rubric before submitting. Click Here for the Patient CasesStudent introduction
Student did not introduce themselves
0 points
Student did introduce themselvs
1 points
Part 1: Patient introduction (Sally Shoulder)
Student did not introduce their patient
0 points
Student did introduce their patient
1 points
Part 1: Phase of Rehab
Student does not identify the correct phase of rehab
0 points
Student does identify the correct phase of rehab
1 points
Part 1: Treatment Goals
Student does not identify correct treatment goals
Student identifies 1-2 correct treatment goals
Student identifies 3 or more correct treatment goals
Part 1: Exercise I
Student describes incorrect exercise and incorrect parameters
Student describes the correct exercise but incorrect parameters OR correct parameters but incorrect exercise
Student describes correct exercise and correct parameters
Part 1: Exercise 2
Student describes incorrect exercise and incorrect parameters
Student describes the correct exercise but incorrect parameters OR correct parameters but incorrect exercise
Student describes correct exercise and correct parameters
Part 1: Exercise 3
Student describes incorrect exercise and incorrect parameters
Student describes the correct exercise but incorrect parameters OR correct parameters but incorrect exercise
Student describes correct exercise and correct parameters
Part 1: Progression
Student does not correctly describe how they will know that the patient will be ready for the next phase of rehab
Student describes how they will know that the patient will be ready for the next phase of rehab; however their answer is only partially correct
Student correctly describes how they will know that the patient will be ready for the next phase of rehab
Part 2: Patient introduction (Wayne Wrist)
Student did not introduce their patient
0 points
Student did introduce their patient
1 points
Part 2: Inflammation and Pain – Intervention
Student does not correctly name one intervention that would focus on improving inflammation and pain.
0 points
Student does correctly name one intervention that would focus on improving inflammation and pain.
1 points
Part 2: Inflammation and Pain – Intervention Assessment
Student does not correctly describe how they will assess the effectiveness of named intervention
Student does describe how they will assess the effectiveness of named intervention; however their answer is only partially correct
Student does correctly describe how they will assess the effectiveness of named intervention
Part 2: Decreased ROM – Intervention
Student does not correctly name one intervention that would focus on improving ROM.
0 points
Student does correctly name one intervention that would focus on improving ROM
1 points
Part 2: Decreased ROM – Intervention Assessment
Student does not correctly describe how they will assess the effectiveness of named intervention
Student does describe how they will assess the effectiveness of named intervention; however their answer is only partially correct
Student does correctly describe how they will assess the effectiveness of named intervention
Part 2: Decreased Strength – Intervention
Student does not correctly name one intervention that would focus on improving strength.
0 points
Student does correctly name one intervention that would focus on improving strength
1 points
Part 2: Decreased Strength – Intervention Assessment
Student does not correctly describe how they will assess the effectiveness of named intervention
Student does describe how they will assess the effectiveness of named intervention; however their answer is only partially correct
Student does correctly describe how they will assess the effectiveness of named intervention
Part 2: Activity Limitations
Student does not correctly describe activity limitations the patient will most likely experience due to their impairments.
Student does describe activity limitations the patient will most likely experience due to their impairments; however their answer is only partially correct.
Student does correctly describe activity limitations the patient will most likely experience due to their impairments.
Part 2: Participation Restrictions
Student does not correctly describe participation restrictions the patient will most likely experience due to their impairments.
Student does describe participation restrictions the patient will most likely experience due to their impairments; however their answer is only partially correct.
Student does correctly describe participation restrictions the patient will most likely experience due to their impairments.

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