The final paper MUST be typed using Times New Roman, size 12 font, and double-sp

The final paper MUST be typed using Times New Roman, size 12 font, and double-spaced throughout the document. Additionally, page numbers must appear on the top of each page, including the title page. Grammar, spelling, punctuation and general clarity, and overall organization as it pertains to your research, analysis/perspectives will be heavily graded. See the below rubric for more clarity/breakdown of the paper grading analysis. ***The instructor’s main grading premise is based on your ability to incorporate learned course themes/concepts and apply them to your research topic and overall analysis. Final Paper Instructions: • Title page MUST conform to APA standards. • Page 2: Thesis statement, with your paper’s title on the top line, line 2 should be the Thesis Statement typed out then line 3 should be the start of your thesis statement. • Page 3 and so forth: “Meat and Potatoes” of your research paper starting with a robust introductory paragraph (similar to your thesis statement, however, your introductory paragraph will “introduce” the reader to your research assignment by discussing what your research is about, why it is important, etc.). After your introductory paragraph, you get into your main perspectives/evidence/analysis stemming from your research questions. DO NOT forget a great comprehensive concluding paragraph on what you found in your research, perhaps what you did not find out, should there be further studies, etc.). • The last page(s) should be your reference page in APA formatting.  The following Rubric will be used in grading your paper: • No title Page……. -5 points No abstract Page…. -5 points • Spelling or Grammar mistakes…. -1 point per occurrence • Failure to meet the minimum 5-page length of text…-10 points per page missing Failure to cite references in paper at all. -15 points • Failure to cite a specific reference. -5 points per occurrence. • Incorrect Citation method in the body of paper -5 points per occurrence • Lack of minimum 5 peer-reviewed academic sources -5 points per occurrence Failure to adhere to APA standards on reference page -5 points. • Late Papers -10 points each day late. ***ALL writing assignments MUST use TURNITIN when submitting your work ***ALL writing assignments MUST be turned in as a WORD DOCUMENT  originality score must be below 30%, Personal Pronouns and contractions will not be used. ATTENDANCE and PARTICIPATION POLICY: Before attending classes, you must meet all prerequisites and officially register for all courses. Prompt and regular attendance is your responsibilit

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