Respond to all of the following (4) prompts below. Allow the element of critical

Respond to all of the following (4) prompts below. Allow the element of critical-thinking to surface as you relay your perspective. Each prompt’s reading time should be about 4 minutes long!
Give personal examples and illustrations in all 4 of your prompts.
Based on your understanding of Herzberg’s two-factor theory of job satisfaction, what types of incentives or employee programs are most likely to reduce job dissatisfaction? What types of incentives or employee programs are most likely to increase job satisfaction?
Compare McClelland’s acquired needs theory and its emphasis on needs being shaped by experience and cultural background over time to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and ERG theory. Of these three theories, which do you think provides the most useful and realistic explanation for human development and motivation? Why?
Assume you are a manager of an auto dealership and all your sales people employees are achieving the goals they have set for themselves in terms of weekly car sales. On the surface, this would seem to be a good thing. However, what could be the problem with this?
To what extent are perceptions of procedural justice versus distributive justice a matter of perception? How could managers reduce inaccurate perceptions of workplace inequities

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