Promotional StrategyRecommend a strategy to position and promote the new product

Promotional StrategyRecommend a strategy to position and promote the new product.
What promotional mix would you recommend for your company’s product?
Would you recommend using a push strategy, a pull strategy, or a mix of both to promote your company’s product?
Who or what are the competitors for your company’s product, and what strategies would you recommend to promote the competitive positioning of your company’s product?
Ethical ImplicationsCreate an ethics statement for the new product.
Assuming that you have decided to sell your company’s product to a foreign market, which entry mode would you recommend and why?
For a global expansion of marketing for your company’s product, which product, pricing, distribution, and promotional strategies would you recommend and why?
Considering the ethical implications of selling your company’s product in domestic or foreign markets, write a brief ethics statement that captures how your company’s brand and product address environmental sustainability and social justice issues.

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