Module learning outcomes: 1. Critically evaluate a wide range of contemporary ma

Module learning outcomes:
1. Critically evaluate a wide range of contemporary management issues by synthesizing relevant theories
2. Assess and critically evaluate the significance of contemporary change and the impacts on decisions, behaviours, human capital and the organisation configuration
3.Critically analyse and evaluate an organisational situation and change so as to inform and improve performance and enhance value
4. Evidence highly developed autonomous learning skills, problem solving and the ability to clearly and appropriately communicate findings and recommendations.
Overview of learning and teaching activities on the module:
A variety of teaching approaches is used, including lectures, seminars, case analysis, teamwork and extensive use of electronic resources for guided research.
Equipment you need to bring to class: N/A
The module is assessed via a business report and a case study to allow students to demonstrate the understanding on the relevant models of sustainability and the analysis of the key factors impact on the development of sustainable organizations.
Summative assessment
% weighting
Deadline for submission of work and where assignment should be submitted
Date for return of mark/grade and feedback and where they will be returned
Minimum pass mark for assessment task(s)
Individual Essay 50% June 14th 2024 July 5th 2024 40%
2. Case Study
Individual case study analysis 50 % July 8th 2024 July 30th 2024 40%
Further information about the assessment can be found at the end of this handbook, in the “assessment brief” section.
It’s important that you meet your assessment deadline to help manage your workload and ensure your timely progression to your next level of study. However, we understand that in exceptional cases you may be unable to submit your work on time or do well in your exams due to unexpected events which are short-term in nature and beyond your control. Find out more about what to do in situations such as these here.
A coursework extension or a chance to re-take your exam is not an automatic right; and to ensure fairness and transparency, exceptional circumstances requests will only be approved if they meet the criteria, are submitted on time and – where relevant – include appropriate professional evidence.
Indicative schedule of delivery: one line on what will be covered in each session; do adapt depending on whether the module is delivered weekly, in blocks or other pattern of delivery. The number of weeks should correspond to the Academic Calendar your module is aligned with. Highlighting dates for ADW and PDW in this section may help, and deadlines for assessments. Do incorporate here if field trips/visits are part of the module. Do adapt the table below to suit your needs
Session Indicative Content
1 &2 Contextualising the corporate strategic responses to contemporary issue
Corporate social responsibilities and business ethics
3 &4 Managing organisations in the face of complexity and chaos, rationalising conflicting theory
4&5 Managing change across cultures
5&6 Developing the flexible organisation to meet the needs of globalization
7&8 Psychodynamics and organisational productivity
9&10 Developing and managing creativity and innovation in organizations
11&12 Technology and knowledge management
Guidance on how to use independent study time: Allocate dedicated time in your schedule for independent study, setting clear goals and creating a distraction-free environment. Break down the material into manageable chunks, engage actively with various resources, and regularly review and reflect on your progress to optimise your independent study sessions.
Referencing system: Refer to the Student Course Handbook.
Learning Materials/Resources:
Burnes, B., (2017), Managing Change, 7th edn. Pearson
Christensen,C.M., (2016). The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. Harvard Business Review
Desouza. K.C., (2020). Intrapreneurship: Managing Ideas Within Your Organization. Rotman – University of Toronto Press
Goller, I. and Bessant, J. (2017). Creativity for Innovation Management. Routledge
Hamilton, L., Mitchell, L. and Mangan, A.(2014). Contemporary Issues in Management. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Hislop, D., Bosua, R. and Helms, R., (2018). Knowledge Management in Organizations: A Critical Introduction. Oxford University Press
Milton, N. and Lambe, P., (2019) Guide to Embedding Effective Knowledge Management in your Organization. Kogan Page
Phillips, P. and Moutinho, L. (2018). Contemporary Issues in Strategic Management. Routledge
Reassessment information:
Should you be required to take a reassessment, the nature of the reassessment will be:
Original assessment
Reassessment type
Deadline for submission of reassessment, and where it should be submitted
This handbook should be read in conjunction with other sources:
⦁ Student Course Handbook: for course academic information applying to all modules
Current ⦁ Student Webpages: for generic student experience information
Assessment brief/s:
Assessment 1
Individual ESSAY (50%)
“Train people well enough so they can leave. Treat them well enough so they don’t want to.” – Sir Richard Branson
As we look ahead into the 21st century, leaders will be those who empower others. – Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft
To lead people, walk beside them. As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence … When the best leader’s work is done, the people say, ‘We did it ourselves!’ – Lao Tsu, Chinese philosopher
Discuss these statements critically within the context of 21st Century organisations, using relevant leadership and human capital theories.
(LO 1 & 3)
2000 WORDS

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