I DON’T NEED THE OUTLINE I NEED THE FINAL DRAFT Here is a basic format to help

Here is a basic format to help you get started in composing your own outline. Working from an outline will
help you keep focused on your main idea (thesis) and help you incorporate outside (secondary) sources to help
validate each point on your primary source (short story, poem, novel, or play you are writing about). Thesis
and topic sentences are to be complete sentences. Details and passages (quotes) from your sources may be “nut
shelled” in a few words – enough for a reader to understand the connection. I’ve modeled only four body
paragraphs here; since your research paper is 8-10 pages in length, your outline will probably incorporate
anywhere from 12 to 15 paragraphs. Note: you may or may not have more than one passage from a secondary
source to illustrate a point. These are just guidelines.
I. Introduction
II. Paragraph #1
Topic Sentence:________________________________________________________________.
Detail and/or passage about this particular point of historical/social/cultural relevance or an element’s
influence on meaning from your primary source:
Evidence from secondary source(s)
#1 ______________________________________________________________________
#2 ______________________________________________________________________
Detail and/or passage about this particular point of historical/social/cultural relevance or an element’s
influence on meaning from your primary source:
Evidence from secondary source(s)
#1 ______________________________________________________________________
#2 ______________________________________________________________________
III. Paragraph #2
Transition/Topic Sentence:_______________________________________________________.
Detail and/or passage about this particular point of historical/social/cultural relevance or an element’s
influence on meaning from your primary source:
Evidence from secondary source(s)
#1 ______________________________________________________________________
#2 ______________________________________________________________________
Detail and/or passage about this particular point of historical/social/cultural relevance or an element’s
influence on meaning from your primary source:
Evidence from secondary source(s)
#1 ______________________________________________________________________
#2 ______________________________________________________________________
IV. Paragraph #3
Topic Sentence:________________________________________________________________.
Detail and/or passage about this particular point of historical/social/cultural relevance or an element’s
influence on meaning from your primary source:
Evidence from secondary source(s)#1 ______________________________________________________________________
#2 ______________________________________________________________________
Detail and/or passage about this particular point of historical/social/cultural relevance or an element’s
influence on meaning from your primary source:
Evidence from secondary source(s)
#1 ______________________________________________________________________
V. Paragraph #4
Topic Sentence:________________________________________________________________.
Detail and/or passage about this particular point of historical/social/cultural relevance or an element’s
influence on meaning from your primary source:
Evidence from secondary source(s)
#1 ______________________________________________________________________
#2 ______________________________________________________________________
Detail and/or passage about this particular point of historical/social/cultural relevance or an element’s
influence on meaning from your primary source:
Evidence from secondary source(s)
#1 ______________________________________________________________________
#2 ______________________________________________________________________
VI. Conclusion (your reflection upon what you have addressed and proven)

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