You must provide a 100/100 correct solution -You will present five different sol

You must provide a 100/100 correct solution
-You will present five different solutions to me and my colleagues

You will present five different solutions to me and my colleagues
It must be a comprehensive and comprehensive solution
You should avoid plagiarism from any website or artificial intelligence
You must provide the solution within two hours only from the time you accept the request and do not wait until the time specified on the site
Proper referencing in APA format is must
Text size 12-Times New Roman only.
Avoid plagiarisms
Avoid copying from any source
Avoid using another teacher’s solution or a similar previous student’s solution because it is a university whose system can access even the solutions published on the study pool website
You must give 100/100 correct solution
Avoid using paraphrasing programs or websites
You must provide a correct answer 100/100
You must do the solution in the same attached file
You must do the solution in the same attached file
Proper referencing in APA format is must
example (madgg,2015)

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