You are the chief fire inspector in your community, and there has been a recent

You are the chief fire inspector in your community, and there has been a recent sharp increase in the number of clandestine drug lab incidents, one of which involved a firefighter being exposed to a hazardous material. The fire chief has directed you to develop a short presentation for all investigators and suppression personnel.
For this assignment, you will produce a PowerPoint that you would use for this presentation. In the presentation, you will identify and describe the following elements:
potential indicators that a clandestine drug lab may be involved,
first responder safety precautions,
other resources that may be called upon for assistance in the response and/or investigation, and
special safety precautions and considerations that need to be addressed in hazardous materials and explosion investigations.
Your presentation must be at least 12 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. At least one reference must be used, and at least three graphics should be used in the presentation. Use APA Style when constructing citations and references.

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