Write an essay that incorporates the source “The Framework for Success in Post-S

Write an essay that incorporates the source “The Framework for Success in Post-Secondary Writing” and your personal experience. Clearly distinguish between your personal experience and the words and ideas found in “The Framework for Success in Post-Secondary Writing”. To get started, review the “Framework for Success in Post-Secondary Writing” posted above, which outlines habits of mind created by the Council of Writing Program Administrators. Then, respond to the following questions in essay form: Why is it important to foster these habits of mind? Which of these are already a strength for you? Which habits do you think you struggle with the most? How will you strengthen these habits of mind moving forward? Please provide examples from your life, as well as quotes, summaries, or paraphrases from the “Framework” to support your response. Your assignment should use full paragraphs and complete sentences. You should reference the “Framework” in the body of your essay. Please do not use any other sources in your essay. Here is the citation for inclusion in your Works Cited page: Council of Writing Program Administrators et al. “Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing.” Jan. 2011, http://wpacouncil.org/files/framework-for-success-postsecondary-writing.pdf.

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