Write a draft for autobiographical essay using the journals attached. Your first

Write a draft for autobiographical essay using the journals attached. Your first draft is going to be your worst draft. And that is expected. Your goal with the first draft is to do the following:
Write a complete draft (that meets the word count requirement in the assignment sheet) with an intro, body, and conclusion.
Get your thesis down and let it be your guide as you draft your body paragraphs.
Write with your audience in mind here. You are no longer writing to yourself. You are writing to an audience that doesn’t know you or your history.
Construct body paragraph’s purposefully: for this memoir essay, think of each body paragraph as either an important scene you need to show or as bit of backstory that you need to tell in order for your readers to understand your story
Don’t aim for perfection. Get a scene or a bit of backstory down and then move on to the next one. You can craft your revisions later.
Build up to the important scene or moment like a novel or movie or episode.
Where you can, work in the insights that you have gained through journaling and drafting. You might reveal the insights organically as the story unfolds, stopping every now and then to reveal the significance of the events. Or you might narrate the story with no interruptions and wait till the end to tell readers your insights and the memory’s significance.
Aim to show us what is happening rather than tell us that it happened. That is, rather than telling us that you had an important talk with someone, show us the conversation through dialogue (have characters actually speak to each other), body language (have characters interact with each other and the things within your world), and description of tone of voice (how are people saying what they say?), and so on. Use the 5 senses to describe what is happening when something important is happening. You can summarize (or tell) the less important moments. You don’t have to do this perfectly now. You can add more vivid details when you revise.
What makes this essay powerful is your exploration of how this experience has impacted you–whether you do this throughout the essay or at the end, make sure you dive into your experience’s significant impact on your life. Please do not use AI for this. I’ve already got flagged for this subject becuase someone from studypool used AI. I’ve already created outline journals for this essay so use it and create a draft.

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