Western and Eastern Armenian are the two main branches of modern Armenian litera

Western and Eastern Armenian are the two main branches of modern Armenian literature. They developed differently and produced writers whose literary trends and themes were often different. Write a three-page paper; specifically discuss the reasons for these differences.
Use Krikor Zohrab (Western Armenian author) who reflected this difference and discuss how his short stories “The Black Bag” and “Furtuna” are representative of Western Armenian literature in terms of literary trends and themes. Also, use M. Nalbandian (Eastern Armenian author) and his poems “Freedom” and “Days of Childhood” to illustrate the difference and discuss how his work (s) was representative of Eastern Armenian literature in terms of literary trends and themes. All readings mentioned will be provided.
In the introduction briefly discuss the historical background on the formation of modern Western and Eastern Armenian literature/culture. In doing so, introduce the literary trends and themes used by each author. Throughout the paper use each author’s work/s as examples to illustrate each author’s contribution the trends and themes.
You are to only use the readings I provide to find information and to write about, do not use any external sources. Include in-text citations with page numbers. Example: (Last name, 15). If the last name isn’t provided, just the page number will suffice but try to include the last name of the author when writing in-text citations. Citing does not apply only to direct quotes, but also when you are paraphrasing from the readings.
The paper should be 3 pages long, double spaced, size 12 font, Times New Roman font. I’ll handle the rest of the formatting.
No title page or references/works cited page is necessary.

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