Using the instructor and peer commentary you have received, revise your Argument

Using the instructor and peer commentary you have received, revise your Argument First Draft to make it clearer for your readers and to demonstrate growth in meeting the nine course objectives. Then, review your instructor’s feedback you have received this quarter and the AWP Course Objectives. Carefully assess your strengths and your areas of opportunity for each objective. 
Unequal access to food
Local coops 
Consumer choice
Consumer choice could be a problem in unequal access to food. Some consumers have limited access to food because of their income and money. 
(There’s a problem → solutions. )
about Chad Frischman and Mamta Mehra’s ” Massively Reducing Food Waste could feed the world,” Anna Brones’s “Karen Washington: It’s not a food desert, it’s food apartheid,” Katelyn Yee’s “Black-led Food Co-ops Restore Justice, Hope, Power,” and James Fredrick’s ” How Mexico City’s biggest wholesome market is combating food waste.”

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