Using the downloaded and provided M5 Curriculum Map Assignment (and template) an

Using the downloaded and provided M5 Curriculum Map Assignment (and template) and Bloom’s Taxonomy,
The section below is already completed and uploaded as a resource. I only want the paper portion (1-2 pages) written below.
Make sure your course competencies are aligned with your program outcomes. Identify which of the program outcomes is addressed by each course competency. (Hint: You might only use 3-4 of your program outcomes you created in Module 5. While an academic program may have more than six outcomes, not every course will address every program outcome. It’s also possible you may use the same program outcome in multiple weeks.)
Ensure your competencies are measurable and include both the condition and criteria as well as the taxonomic verbs. One key component to remember: taxonomy level somewhat corresponds to level of education. At the undergraduate junior and senior levels, as well as graduate level, courses should have more course competencies at the mid-to-higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
After writing your course competencies, in a paper format discuss why you selected these particular competencies, how they align with the program outcomes, and justify why the competencies you selected are appropriate for the course level (i.e., undergraduate freshmen, sophomore, junior or senior levels, or graduate education).
The above section is already completed and uploaded as a resource. I only want the paper portion written below.
The paper portion of this assignment should be 1-2 pages, not including the references page, and follow appropriate 7th edition APA guidelines.

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