Training, education, and certification are important for any professional trade.

Training, education, and certification are important for any professional trade. For this assignment, you will create an
education and certification plan for one of the following positions: fire inspector, public educator, or fire investigator. This plan
should include the title of the position, certifications required for the position, annual or yearly continuing education (or higher
education required for the position), and any refresher or annual training. Also, include an estimated timeline for the
completion of each requirement. How would firefighters on the engine company have to work this training program around
their other traditional duties?
If you work in the occupational safety field, please also create the education and certification plan for these positions in the
occupational safety field including their annual safety field specialty training or emphasis. How would a safety specialist
balance the typical safety field education requirements and continuing education with these additional training requirements?
Also, include an estimated timeline for the completion of each requirement.
Your assignment should consist of at least three pages. APA formatting is not required in this assignment; however, if you
choose outside sources, please be sure to cite and reference them properly.

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