This list is necessary in adopting a mechanism or a guide to write and apply the

This list is necessary in adopting a mechanism or a guide to write and apply the audit procedure. Descriiption
Part 1
Interpret the following listed risks for the company that you have chosen. You may add to this list to address risks that you find in the company that you have chosen for your Key Assignment. My Company Name: TechSolutions Inc.
Evaluation of risk effects on data CIA ( Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability )
Computer security and accessibility
Fire risk
Flooding damages
Risk of stealing or tampering with sensitive data
Power failure
System administration
Backup recovery
Part 2
Develop a checklist that will be used to implement the mitigation to the risk. The following is an example of what should appear on your checklist. Alter this for your chosen company.
A copy of the last audit report
System administration of information technology (IT) accounts
The installed and updated software and hardware
List of all incremental backups and daily backups
List of any new installed IT use policies and rules and regulations
Data integrity, confidentiality, and usability of how you are implementing this

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