This is STAT 101 PLS SEND IT AS A MICROSOFT WORD . Visit one of the polling site

Visit one of the polling sites listed and choose one poll to analyze
1- Go to one of these sites: Quinnipiac PollLinks to an external site., Marist PollLinks to an external site., 538Links to an external site. (political polling), Washington Post Poll,Links to an external site. Fox News PollLinks to an external site.. (Note: the first two, Quinnipiac and Marist, are academically based well respected polling centers. The last two are journalistic and are known to have a particular point of view (bias)Links to an external site., the Washington Post leans ‘left’ and Fox New is decidedly ‘right’, politically speaking.
Spend a little time clicking on the different topics and polls – those that you find interesting – look at the dates, questions, answers and answer patterns (%s) and other information (N, Margin of error!)…
2- After you have looked at many questions, choose one poll and one question (& its answers) to use for this discussion.
Ensure that it is a poll that is recent – not old!
You’ll need the percent for one of the responses to the question and the N. Look for the N in the ‘fine print’ – if you chose a legitimate poll, it should have the N and their margin of error calculation available near the poll findings.
3- Then, for the question you chose, post the following – using the question topic as your post subject
1- the link to the web page where you got the data so we can go look at it
2-your own calculation of the margin of error (for one of the answer categories) and whether or not your margin of error matches the one they stated, and
3- a brief interpretation of the results – use the sentence structure we use in our class work.
I uploaded an example for this question. please do it correctly and as the example provided!!!!! Thanks
here are the links .

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