this is a final paper that I have do in my English class. I have already complet

this is a final paper that I have do in my English class. I have already completed two other essays in which need to be combined in order to complete my 3rd and final essay. Any sources used must be ones I have already cited within my paper but the information from each source can be different from the ones previously used. Teachers instructions for the final essay:
Your Title: The title of your essay is the first point of contact you have with your reader. What sort of title would describe your paper and distinguish it from other papers written on the same essay?
Example: Education for All
The paper can be divided into 5 sections.
Section I: Your Introduction: (1-2 Paragraphs)
A. Has an attention grabber/hook
B. Briefly describes the topic/problem.
C. Makes clear how the problem concerns the audience.
D. Emphasizes why the time to address the problem is now.
E. Provides background on the issue and why it matters
F. States an explicit claim in a definitional thesis statement
Section II: Defining the Problem (Your Essay’s Body 3 Paragraphs) 
A. Outline the major reasons that x is y (Topic Sentences). Each topic sentence makes a point that helps define your issue as an important problem. 
B. Connect the reasons to the thesis statement via transition words with your topic sentences.
C. Present illustrations, evidence, and examples in the form of summary and paraphrase with few quotes from your sources. 
E. Evidence is comprised of facts and figures, direct quotations, brief narratives, statistics, testimony and so on from your sources. Evidence provided is from two or more different sources. You want to blend your research in an original way, not summarize or represent one source.
F. Paragraphs should contain your commentary to elaborate on the evidence and connect it back to the body point and/or the thesis
G. In other words, establish logos by supplying a well-reasoned, well-supported, well-organized argument via strong body paragraphs.
Section III: Counterargument & Transition Paragraph (Your Essay’s Body 2 Paragraphs) 
A.  Includes a counter argument paragraph that acknowledges, rebuts, or refutes opposing viewpoints (aka others may not think this issue is a problem or important, AND your job is to address that in some manner).
B. Includes a TRANSITION PARAGRAPH –A clear shift to your current solutions and proposed solution/s. Emphasizes why the time to address the problem is now. States an explicit expository thesis statement (i.e. there are solutions to the problem)
Section IV: Current Solutions/Proposed BEST Solution (Your Essay’s Body 3 Paragraphs) 
A. Outline three possible solutions to your chosen problem with the third solution being presented as the best choice of the three.Include needed background as well as an evaluation of the merits of each potential solution. 
B. Connect the solutions to the definitional thesis statement via transition words with your topic sentences.
C. Present illustrations, evidence, and examples in the form of summary and paraphrase with few quotes from your sources. 
E. Evidence is comprised of facts and figures, direct quotations, brief narratives, statistics, testimony and so on from your sources. Evidence provided is from two or more different sources. You want to blend your research in an original way, not summarize or represent one source.
F. Paragraphs should contain your commentary to elaborate on the evidence and connect it back to the body point and/or the thesis
G. In other words, establish logos by supplying a well-reasoned, well-supported, well-organized information via strong body paragraphs.
Section V: Conclusion (One Paragraph)
A. Reinforce for your audience that you have successfully defined your issue as an important problem facing early childhood education and that your proposed solution is the best choice. 
B. Illustrate the negative situation that will result if your argument is ignored.
C. Work to connect the your claim with the interests and values of your audience.
D. Create a call to action by answering the question, “So what?” Why should your audience care about your argument? (AKA what can your audience do to make these solutions a reality)
Note the following conventions of argument:
Written in 3rd person
Uses a variety of appeals (Logos, Ethos, Pathos) (Click 3. Analyzing appeals  for a refresher on these types of appeals)
Primarily uses paraphrase
Direct quotes are used sparingly

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