There are many myths and believe in the popular media about individuals with men

There are many myths and believe in the popular media about individuals with mental health issues. As u reflect on the videos did the videos make u question any of your professional or personal beliefs about mental health. Did any specific part of the video impact you.
Back up your opinions with evidence ( peer review journals )
You are required to write 2 paragraphs.
Video #1 Mental healthcare by John Oliver. He talks about:
– [ ] Insurance companies not covering mental health and patients can’t afford to pay out of pocket
– [ ] how difficult it is to find a child therapist
– [ ] There’s also a lot of clinicians who are not taking new patients and are no longer in the insurer’s network
– [ ] Limited psychologist in county
– [ ] Man explain his daily experience and triggers and are told to “suck it up buttercup “when he’s trying to get help.
– [ ] There’s a massive shortage of mental health providers and the providers who are available some patients feel they don’t connect at all and would like a provider in which they share the same cultural background.
– [ ] He talks about the stigma of mental health and society believe some illnesses are better than others. People are acceptance of heart failure and cancer but look upon those who struggle with mental health.
– [ ] He mention how society thinks the body and the mind are separate and in reality that is not the case.
– [ ] People with mental health doesn’t want there treatment to be the focus of their life but rather need their life to be their life.
– [ ] Society needs to remove the separation between the mind and the body start to see it as one.

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