The Letter Package Assignment Scenario Your assignment involves a combination o

The Letter Package Assignment Scenario
Your assignment involves a combination of research and writing. You are the marketing director for Chalmers Controls based in your hometown and your company is considering overseas markets for the company’s language translation software. Your boss, Roxana Wheaton, has asked you to research potential overseas markets, research effective communication strategies in your proposed country, summarize your research and results in a memo to her, and finally draft a letter to a potential distributor in the country you have identified as a viable market.
You will choose a country that you believe will be a good overseas market for your company’s language translation software (you may choose any country that is of interest to you). Your international research begins with learning about the country, how business writing is conducted, and what expectations are for correspondence with a potential distributor in that country. Your sources must be no older than three years; anything older than that would lack credibility.
In your draft letter to the prospective distributor:
Introduce yourself, your company, and your product to meet the cultural expectations of the country distributor (see useful resources provided below).
Explain your interest in working with that distributor.
Explain why the distributor will be interested in distributing your product.
Demonstrate the cultural expectations relevant to the country you chose.

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