The focus this week is to research the internal evidence that supports the inter

The focus this week is to research the internal evidence that supports the intervention formulated in the Week 1 PICOT question. The internal evidence may include clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), best practices from professional and federal organizations, quality improvement projects, clinical expertise, practice data, etc. that are intended to optimize patient care, improve outcomes, and reduce costs.
Locate a specific practice guideline or best practice that supports the intervention formulated in the Week 1 PICOT question and post the link to the practice guideline.
Summarize why the selected practice guideline or best practice supports the chosen intervention.
Provide the name of the chosen practice guideline or best practice.
The initial posting will require the link to the selected practice guideline or best practice as a reference
Synthesize the readings into your own words (you may use quotes and paraphrasing from the articles as needed) to support your postings. Expand on your insights and reflect on the material. Be sure to follow APA standards
PICOT QUESTION: In trach and vented patients, how does maintaining the head of the bed above 45 degrees and oral care help reduce the incidence of healthcare-acquired pneumonia, during the length of stay, compared to patients who are not intubated?

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