Students will be required to submit a research paper on a topic relating to an

  Students will be required to submit a research paper on a topic relating to an injustice. Select a topic that you truly believe to be an injustice in our society and write about how you would work within the current system to change it. The paper requires you to call upon the lessons taught in class, observations you made in the field, and information gleaned from course materials. The paper must be supported by research data and in appropriate format. You must cite at least six (6) sources total. The paper must be typed and double-spaced. It should be no less than five (5) and no more than eight (8) pages long. You must submit your paper topic and a one paragraph summary of your topic in advance for approval. The topic and summary are due February 26, 2024. 
Describe the current system or the way things are currently done. Get as detailed as warranted, researching the applicable law, current guidelines or any other appropriate body of information to document how the “unjust” system currently operates.
Why do you think the current system is unjust? Who suffers? Who benefits? Why is that unfair?
How would you fix the problem? Describe, in detail, how you would solve the injustice.
Anticipate the arguments that your opponents may have to your idea. How would you combat those arguments?

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