STARTING with Chapter 2 on page 26 (1) REVIEW each comment within the document a

STARTING with Chapter 2 on page 26 (1) REVIEW each comment within the document and MAKE proper changes/edits/additions as requested by Darcel Brady – after each item is completed, RESOLVE the thread and ACCEPT all deletions or additions. (2) Use citations ONLY from peer reviewed research articles (ANY YEAR) with specific details supporting statements. (3) Write in past tense when citing sources AND review this paper to make sure it is written as such for all citations already included …example “Perry (2017) indicates that Black women’s leadership is grounded” should be “Perry (2017) indicated”. (4) CONNECT body policing (in document) to exceptionalism ad tonicization. (5) Provide a resource page for all citations ADDED into the document. (6) DO NOT USE AI to script. (7) on page 41 civil rights era move into the historical portion and for each section provide an introduction to that chapter (8) page 39 talk about the 5 main theories or agenda items and create a portion to the introduction that explains what I will talk about in chapter 2

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