Some people promote the idea that humans should have the right to die with digni

Some people promote the idea that humans should have the right to die with dignity (see ). Several states have legalized physician-assisted suicide (PAS). However, others may argue that a doctor prescribing a deadly prescriiption violates that doctor’s Hippocratic Oath or claim that suicide by any means is immoral. Doing research and taking into consideration the actual laws concerning when and how a confirmed terminal patient would be able to request PAS, make an argument that it is or is not a moral action. Also see if you can find Kant’s famous argument on the immorality of suicide. Does he have a point or are there just some times when the morally right thing to do is to allow a person to end his or her suffering?
The instructions for this week’s discussion board post are above. it is for W6: Kantian Deontology.

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