Select a social problem to analyze from this course. It can be something that we

Select a social problem to analyze from this course. It can be something that we have discussed in class but does not have to be. Examples include illiteracy, drug abuse, poverty, child abuse, disease/illness, etc. You will write a 5-page paper (due at the end of the semester) about the social problem that you selected. In your paper you should do the following:
Describe the social problem in its social context.
Use your sociological imagination to explain how the selected social problem is influenced by society.
Select the three theoretical perspective(s) (conflict, functionalist, and symbolic interactionist) that best aligns with the social problem you have selected.
Explain why the theoretical perspective(s) you chose is best to explain the selected social problem.
Use the theoretical perspective(s) to explain how your selected social problem came to be and how it is perpetuated.
Use the APA Style Guidelines.
You must cite all references that you use (including your textbook).

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