Review the article “A Risk Profile of Offshore-Outsourced Development Projects,”

Review the article “A Risk Profile of Offshore-Outsourced Development Projects,” by Charalabos L. Iacovou and Robbie Nakasu. The subtitle of this article states “Even the best project management skills will not guarantee success in the complex world of offshore outsourcing.” In a 3 page paper, discuss this statement and respond to the following questions. Do you think that Delphi surveys used by the author were effective? Why or why not? What are the risks associated with offshoring jobs to other countries? What are some of the challenges of working with global virtual teams? How would you mitigate these challenges if you were going to manage similar projects? Identify the risks that offshore software developers faced as they were unable to interface with the end users to understand their true requirements of the application software. How would you correct these issues? What technical risks are eminent examples of offshoring from the UK, Germany, and USA to a less developed country? Why are reduced labor costs of production or development of IT oriented projects sometimes the most important factors used in offshoring, rather than the project success? Were change controls and project requirements effectively communicated? Why or why not?

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