Read Chapter 12 of the Polka and Litchka text first. It is important to begin wi

Read Chapter 12 of the Polka and Litchka text first. It is important to begin with the end in mind, and this chapter will clearly articulate the reason for this study and give you a light at the end of the tunnel to The Dark Side of Educational Leadership.
Learn the 6 tasks required for this internship and incorporate them into an Action Plan based on the semester calendar (sample action plan)
Review the new Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) and reference them to guide the creation of your Action Plan. Also included is a comparison of the older ISLLC (in red) with the new PSEL standards for reference ISLLC & (new) PSEL comparison.
NJ School Boards Superintendent Evaluation: Access/read CSA Superintendent Evaluation
What expectations do you have for the roles of the superintendent, assistant superintendent and other central office administrators in supporting your vision of a well-run school district that keeps student achievement at the forefront?

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