PPT assignment General Instructions Information systems include the hardware and

PPT assignment General Instructions
Information systems include the hardware and software that process data and information for problem-solving. Health information systems (HIS) provide information within the healthcare setting, which includes collecting, storing, and managing EHRs. Health information systems include both clinical and administrative information systems.
Select either an administrative information system or a clinical information system currently used within your organization. Create a PowerPoint Presentation and address the following requirements:
Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create the presentation with 6-8 slides (excluding title and reference slides)
Include speaker notes for all slides except the title and reference slides. Use complete sentences.
Provide resources from at least two scholarly resources. Include in-text citations in APA format when applicable.
Include the following sections :(detailed criteria listed below)
Title Slide
Description: Describe the selected information system. Include the name of the product. Identify the system as administrative or clinical. Describe the purpose of the information system.
Workflow and Outcomes: Explain how the selected information system can be used to impact workflow and client outcomes. Provide support from at least one scholarly source.
Documentation and Communication: Describe how the selected information system supports documentation of client care and communication between healthcare professionals. Provide support from at least one scholarly source.
Quality, Ethical, Efficient Care: Explain how the selected information system supports the provision of quality, ethical, and efficient client care in your organization. Provide support from at least one scholarly source.
Client-centered Care: Describe how the selected information system supports the provision of client-centered care within your organization. Provide support from at least one scholarly source.
Reflection: Reflect on your learning and consider how the knowledge will improve your effectiveness as an advanced practice nurse.
References: Provide complete reference in APA format, may use bullets. Hanging indents are not required.

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