Please write a 3-page essay to reflect on your CAPSIM simulation. Please note al

Please write a 3-page essay to reflect on your CAPSIM simulation. Please note all your previous decisions can be found in “Decision Audit”. The results from each round can be found at Reports -> Industry Reports ->Capstone Courier. Therefore, you can identify previous mistakes, if any. Address the following questions:
How is the company’s performance? Give the numbers, such as cumulative profit, round 3 revenue, profit, contribution margin, if there is emergency loan, and the five customer survey scores. How do the numbers compare to competitors?
What is your strategy (cost leadership or differentiation)? How is it supposed to work? Does it work as intended? If not, explain the reasons in detail.
If you were to run the simulation again, what would you do differently?
Is there any additional learning from this simulation?

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