Please read the ‘case study proposal’ file first, especially the comment part, t

Please read the ‘case study proposal’ file first, especially the comment part, then please let me know what additional materials you need ASAP before you start writing. I will also provide 2 exemplars with similar interventions.
The methodologies I mentioned in the proposal file, please make sure you use those methodologies as well. In the comment part of the proposal file, it said I need to be clear about how to triangulate the data in this case study.
Also, before you start writing, please create a table on the first page for 2 things: the bullet points for improvement from the proposal, and explain how you have addressed them in this assignment.
Use as many as sources you can, but please make sure those sources can be found in the library.
P.S., if there are any questions for this order, please drop me a message ASAP.

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