please answer each question in 250 words there are 7 questions look at the docum

please answer each question in 250 words there are 7 questions look at the document that i send you please ======= I will send you the course syllabus just to know what the class about overall =========== and please be positive as possible and do not talk about USA badly and please do not take about Islam badly There are seven questions. You can provide the best answers. In your answers, demonstrate your understanding of the concepts, cases, and themes discussed in course readings and class discussions. Include reference. =============== please use the reading that i send you only each question has the name of the reading that you will use use essay English words please ============ Questions like this have two parts. (1) Essential meaning = definition of the concept or term (2) Significance = explain the relevance of that concept or term in the context of the course (relating to nationalism)

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