PERSONAL GROWTH ESSAY • Each section is 1double-spaced page, SO 6 PAGES TOTAL! D

• Each section is 1double-spaced page, SO 6 PAGES TOTAL! DO NOT GO OVER 1 PAGE FOR EACH SECTION. THERE ARE 6 SECTIONS.
• WRITE in MLA FORMAT- 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, page numbers at end of each page, and 1 inch margins on all sides.
• INSTRUCTIONS-The individual sections are as follows:
1. Biographical Introduction – you can use fictitious views here: Explain how two aspects of your identity (either gender, or the other two aspects you chose) have impacted who you are today.
2. Historical Context -please use a fictitious person!
This portion of the project is examining your historical context. I want you to write about your experience with your parents or primary caregivers growing up. What was good about the relationship(s)? What could have been better? How have these things affected your beliefs and the way you make decisions in your current life?
3. Lifestyle Choices- please use a fictitious person
Discuss how diet/exercise, spirituality/religion, or family vs career will/do play a role in your life. Choose whichever is most relevant to your life and explain how you nurture this aspect in your life (e.g., daily prayers, regular exercise, etc.). Be specific and give examples.
4. Connection with Self- use fictitious person
How would you describe your relationship with yourself? When you are struggling with something difficult in life, how do you treat yourself (e.g., harsh, kind, etc.)? How do you recharge yourself? How would you like your relationship with yourself to be?
5. Relationships -you can fictitious views here
Explain your ideal relationship. Who is your ultimate partner? Describe how you would meet each other’s needs. What would stop this relationship from becoming a reality?
6. Future Goals -make up a response here
Imagine the perfect future version of yourself. What would that look like? Job? Family? What character flaws would you overcome? What character strengths would you develop? What are your step-by-step goals in order to reach your dreams? Be specific, this is your life after all.

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