Peer response : In confronting the ethical concerns presented by Gina’s actions

Peer response :
In confronting the ethical concerns presented by Gina’s actions as the charge nurse, employing the MORAL ethical problem-solving model offers a structured approach to navigate this dilemma. The MORAL model stands for Massage the dilemma, Outline the options, Resolve the dilemma, Act by applying the chosen option, and Look back and evaluate the entire process (Crisp & Taylor, 2016).
First, massaging the dilemma involves understanding the ethical issues at play. Gina’s actions, such as mischarging supplies and manipulating staffing needs, may not directly harm patients, but they do pose significant ethical concerns regarding honesty and fairness. These actions could lead to mistrust and potential financial implications for patients and the healthcare system. It’s essential to recognize that ethical nursing practice requires adherence to principles of integrity and accountability (American Nurses Association, 2015).
Second, outlining the options could involve several paths: discussing the issue with Gina again and explaining the ethical concerns in more detail; reporting the behavior to a supervisor or the hospital ethics committee; seeking advice from a trusted mentor; or choosing to do nothing. Each option has potential consequences, such as strained workplace relationships or impacts on personal integrity and professional responsibility.
Finally, resolving the dilemma would involve choosing the option that aligns best with ethical principles and professional standards. Acting on this decision would mean approaching a supervisor or the ethics committee to confidentially discuss Gina’s practices. This approach upholds the integrity of the nursing profession and ensures that actions within the healthcare setting are transparent and just. Looking back, this process involves reflecting on the outcome and learning from the experience to handle similar situations in the future more effectively.
This structured approach not only provides a way to address immediate ethical issues but also fosters a culture of ethical awareness and responsibility in the healthcare environment.
Crisp, J., & Taylor, C. (2016). Potter & Perry’s Fundamentals of Nursing – Australian Version (5th ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences.
American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements. ANA.

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