Part of the appraisal process should include an examination of ethics and DEI

Part of the appraisal process should include an examination of ethics and DEI. Write a 1-2 page narrative addressing the following questions.
a. Ethics – was the study designed and implemented in an ethical manner?
·  Was the possibility of harm addressed?
·  Were vulnerable populations included in the study?
·  How do the authors describe the process for obtaining informed consent?
·  How does the study protect the privacy and confidentiality of the participants?
·  Was IRB approval obtained? How do you know?
b.  Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion  
·  Was the sample diverse and how do you know?
·  Did the inclusion/exclusion criteria create bias?
·  Where the data collection tools, culturally and linguistically appropriate?
·  What are the international and cross-national considerations, if any?
·  Did the authors describe attempts to include DEI?

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