Part 1 Reflect on the work you’ve done during TSC1 and TSC2. Use the Oh The Pla

Part 1
Reflect on the work you’ve done during TSC1 and TSC2. Use the Oh The Places You’ll Go template Links to an external illustrate your learning for this year and think ahead to the coaching work you can do next year. Upload your completed illustration to Canvas.
Part 2
Using the Role Allocation Form Download Role Allocation Formfor Course 2, maintain a log annotating the coaching role, date, times (in hours and minutes), and nature of the mentoring/coaching in order to document the 38 hours of clinical practice. Use one line per event. Do not consolidate dates. Include a quality reflection listing the activity, alignment to the role, and your effectiveness in the situation.To complete the form, use the drop-down menu to indicate the type of mentoring/coaching activities you have done.

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