OVERVIEW The practice of article summary and analysis identified by subheadings

The practice of article summary and analysis
identified by subheadings (produced in Essay
3) culminates in Essay 4, commonly seen as
the research paper.
Imagine you are a new writer for The
Conversation (theconversation.com), “a
nonprofit, independent news organization
dedicated to unlocking the knowledge of
experts for the public good…articles written
by academic experts for the general public.”
The Conversation has asked you to
incorporate your findings provided in Essay 3
to write an argumentative essay for its Arts +
Culture Section.
Your editor also has a list of questions to
guide you, should you choose another path.
• Introductory image
• Subheadings
• Calibri or Times New Roman font / Size 12
• 6 Sources Minimum (including minimum 1 database source)
I have essay 3 attached in files and the 6 sources in Works Cited, You take what is in Essay 3 to help support why removing controversial statues is a public benefit. Plus One database source called Stateoftheart..pdf. I did a draft on Essay 4, you can add on what is already on the draft.

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