One of the main jobs of historians is to interpret the past by reviewing primary

One of the main jobs of historians is to interpret the past by
reviewing primary documents, scholarly secondary sources, and then
creating an analysis of this research. After listening to the
appropriate course lectures and reviewing the assigned reading materials
below, evaluate John Brown and his contribution to U.S. history.
Consider these questions: What motivated John Brown? Was he a hero or a
terrorist? Does his cause determine the answer to the previous question?
And given what we know of the centrality of slavery in causing the
Civil War, how significant was John Brown’s Harpers Ferry Raid in
triggering the war? Would Lincoln’s election likely have led to war,
even if Brown had never made his raid? Why or why not?This assignment requires you to post an original post by of at least 500 words
For full credit, your posts must be substantive, constructive, and
respectful. Do not simply sum up the lectures and readings or repeat
points made there,
Make use of the evidence to engage one another in enriching discussions.
I am looking for you to create your own interpretations and to discuss
original insights, but remember that your analysis must be supported by
the provided source material (e.g., lectures, readings). Opinions have
no value if they lack this support. Adhere to this quote from President
John Adams: “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes,
our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the
state of facts and evidence.” Include parenthetical references to the
lectures and provided sources in both your original post and your
response posts.
the source are the documents and dont use anything that isnt in the source

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