Module 14: Rewarding through Performance Management In this module, you will ex

Module 14: Rewarding through Performance Management
In this module, you will examine how pay and reward structures support and facilitate performance management. You will also compare traditional and contingent pay plans and explore the concept of pay as motivation. You will identify how pay and reward systems can be implemented for optimal results. Finally, you will learn to apply them in both individual employee and team situations to support team performance management systems.

Discussion Question
Question Requirements:
Effective Reward Systems in Performance Management
Performance management systems and reward systems are essential components of motivating and driving individual and group performance in organizations.
Analyze reward systems and the appropriate application to meet organizational goals.
Discuss the different types of reward systems, such as financial and non-financial rewards, and their impact on employee motivation and performance.
Consider the importance of aligning reward systems with organizational goals and values, as well as the need for fairness and transparency in the reward process

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources.
Write a discussion that includes an introduction paragraph, the body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions.
Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 600-word limit.
Learning Outcomes
Recognize the multiple considerations for effective pay plans.
Analyze reward systems and the appropriate application to meet organizational goals.
Assess components and principles of team evaluation in performance management systems.
Chapter 10 in Performance Management, Rewards and the Law
Chapter 11 in Performance Management, Rewards and the Law
Gardner, H., & Matviak, Ivan. (2022, August 16). Performance management shouldn’t kill collaboration. Harvard Business Review.
Mosca, L. (2021, June 7). 6 reasons why pay-for-performance is a game changer. Forbes.
Chapter 10 & 11 PowerPoint slides from Performance Management

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