Methodology • Introduction to the Chapter • Qualitative Design Paradigm (Which t

• Introduction to the Chapter
• Qualitative Design Paradigm (Which type of study are you conducting and why is this appropriate for your research question. Must utilize sources to defend the type of qual design you have chosen)
• Theoretical Framework (full blown descriiption)
• The Researcher’s Role (Your background with and/or “issues” with the content of the study? Participant observer? Bracketing the researcher (phenomenology))
• Data Sources (subheading for each type with a descriiption of what it is and why it is being utilized)
• Data Collection (subheading for each sources that describes how you will be collecting the data…detailed descriiption…assume nothing)
• Data Analysis (subheading for each source and how you will analyze the data. DETAILED descriiption of how you will go about analyzing throughout the study)
• Trustworthiness (Triangulation, Member Checking, Audit Trail, etc…)
• Ethical Considerations
• Plan for Narrative (How do you plan to report your narrative in subsequent chapters?)
• Conclusion/ Transition to Next Chapter
Attached is my chapter one and two.
Please use Theoretical framework: Diffusion of Innovations theory (Rogers, 2003)
Performance of State Higher Education Systems model (Richardson, Bracco, Callen & Finney, 1999).
Using the following methods: Individual interviews, On-site observations and notetaking, Document Analysis
and Record Review and reflection journals.

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