Let′s bring the story of Willie Lowan into the 21st century.  Thoughtfully and c

Let′s bring the story of Willie Lowan into the 21st century. 
Thoughtfully and carefully respond to the following questions, writing at least two to three paragraphs in response to each one:
″If Willie Lowman was a ′___[insert your major or ″dream career″ here]___′ then the story might go like this….″ 
Ponder this scenario and how your career might unfold along the lines of Willie′s life and career. 
1. Of the possibilities that you imagine, what attracts you or draws you into this career choice? Why do you want to do X ? 
2. Putting yourself into the role of the ″updated,″ contemporary Willie Lowman, what aspects of a life/career spent in your chosen field disturb or concern you the most? 
3. What is, or might be, your response to recognition of these concerns? 
Here are the rules for this assignment: 
a. question #1 must be in your own words, without any assistance (AI, ChatGPT, internet, social media, etc.) — just your own thoughts. 
b. question #2 may be in your own words, but you may also use (NOT COPY) AI or ChatGPT to assist you in ″bringing the story up to date.″ 
c. question #3 must be in your own words — just your own thoughts. 
** For example, here is how I might respond to this assignment ** 
1. I would write a narrative about how I became interested in academia, pursued a Ph.D., decided to become a professor and focused on business ethics. 
So finally,  I would respond to question #3 by addressing my own fears and uncertainties, in light of my own personal values. For example, I would focus on ″struggles with ethical dilemmas″ (#1 above), and I would certainly write about ″legacy and impact″ (#4) while considering the importance of meaning and purpose to my own work. 
That′s the assignment. A response of six to nine paragraphs in length should be sufficient, but you may write as much as you want. 
BE SURE TO FOLLOW THE RULES !   ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT WILL BE HANDLED APPROPRIATELY.  The purpose of this course is to develop your own ideas and values, so don′t cheat yourself out of that experience.

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