Introduction “A feasibility analysis is a chance to open your eyes, ask yourself

“A feasibility analysis is a chance to open your eyes, ask yourself some very tough questions, and then check to see whether your idea, as originally conceived, needs to be modified, refocused, or changed dramatically. (Or perhaps even scrapped altogether.)” (1).
With this assignment, you will be addressing the fundamental question: Does this business have profit potential?
Refer to the same business you described in the first assignment, creating a Small Business, and write a 3–4-page paper in which you:
Conduct a feasibility analysis by researching and analyzing each of the following topics and indicate how your business occupies that specific space:
Industry and market feasibility.
Product or service feasibility.
Financial feasibility.
Entrepreneurial readiness.
Explain whether the business idea needs to be modified, changed significantly, or abandoned based on your feasibility analysis. (Note: If you abandon the business idea, then you will need to select and analyze a new business that has profit potential.)
Include at least two references outside the textbook. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the Strayer Library or review the Bachelor of Business Administration Library Guide.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Conduct a feasibility analysis to determine whether a business plan is plausible.
Norman M. Scarborough. 2015. Entrepreneurship and Effective Small Business Management. p. 237.
Week 6 Assignment – Feasibility Analysis
Conduct a feasibility analysis by researching and analyzing industry and market feasibility and indicate how your business occupies that specific space.
18.2 to >16.38 pts
Conducted a feasibility analysis in which you analyzed industry and market feasibility and indicated how your business occupies that specific space.
16.38 to >14.56 pts
Conducted a feasibility analysis in which you analyzed industry and market feasibility and indicated how your business occupies that specific space, but 1-2 important details were missing.
14.56 to >12.74 pts
Conducted a feasibility analysis in which you analyzed industry and market feasibility and indicated how your business occupies that specific space, but 3-4 important details were missing.
12.74 to >10.92 pts
Needs Improvement
Did not provide a logical a feasibility analysis and did not indicate how your business occupies that specific space.
10.92 to >0 pts
Did not submit a feasibility analysis.
/ 18.2 pts
Conduct a feasibility analysis by researching and analyzing product or service feasibility and indicate how your business occupies that specific space.
18.2 to >16.38 pts
Conducted a feasibility analysis in which you analyzed product or service feasibility and indicated how your business occupies that specific space.
16.38 to >14.56 pts
Conducted a feasibility analysis in which you analyzed product or service feasibility and indicated how your business occupies that specific space, but 1-2 important details were missing.
14.56 to >12.74 pts
Conducted a feasibility analysis in which you analyzed product or service feasibility and indicated how your business occupies that specific space, but 3-4 important details were missing.
12.74 to >10.92 pts
Needs Improvement
Did not provide a logical a feasibility analysis and did not indicate how your business occupies that specific space.
10.92 to >0 pts
Did not submit a feasibility analysis.
/ 18.2 pts
Conduct a feasibility analysis by researching and analyzing financial feasibility and indicate how your business occupies that specific space
16.8 to >15.12 pts
Conducted a feasibility analysis in which you analyzed financial feasibility and indicated how your business occupies that specific space.
15.12 to >13.44 pts
Conducted a feasibility analysis in which you analyzed financial feasibility and indicated how your business occupies that specific space, but 1-2 important details were missing.
13.44 to >11.76 pts
Conducted a feasibility analysis in which you analyzed financial feasibility and indicated how your business occupies that specific space, but 3-4 important details were missing.
11.76 to >10.08 pts
Needs Improvement
Did not provide a logical a feasibility analysis and did not indicate how your business occupies that specific space.
10.08 to >0 pts
Did not submit a feasibility analysis.
/ 16.8 pts
Conduct a feasibility analysis by researching and analyzing entrepreneurial readiness and indicate how your business occupies that specific space
16.8 to >15.12 pts
Conducted a feasibility analysis in which you analyzed entrepreneurial readiness and indicated how your business occupies that specific space.
15.12 to >13.44 pts
Conducted a feasibility analysis in which you analyzed entrepreneurial readiness and indicated how your business occupies that specific space, but 1-2 important details were missing.
13.44 to >11.76 pts
Conducted a feasibility analysis in which you analyzed entrepreneurial readiness and indicated how your business occupies that specific space, but 3-4 important details were missing.
11.76 to >10.08 pts
Needs Improvement
Did not provide a logical a feasibility analysis and did not indicate how your business occupies that specific space.
10.08 to >0 pts
Did not submit a feasibility analysis.
/ 16.8 pts
Explain whether the business idea needs to be modified, changed significantly, or abandoned based on your feasibility analysis.
49 to >44.1 pts
Explained whether the business idea needs to be modified, changed significantly, or abandoned based on your feasibility analysis.
44.1 to >39.2 pts
Explained whether the business idea needs to be modified, changed significantly, or abandoned based on your feasibility analysis, but the explanation is somewhat unclear.
39.2 to >34.3 pts
Identified whether the business idea needs to be modified, changed significantly, or abandoned but did not base it on your based on your feasibility analysis, and/or the explanation is unclear.
34.3 to >29.4 pts
Needs Improvement
Stated to state whether the business idea needs to be modified, changed significantly, or abandoned but did not provide an explanation.
29.4 to >0 pts
Did not explain whether the business idea needs to be modified, changed significantly, or abandoned.
/ 49 pts
Provide two peer-reviewed, academic references.
7 to >6.3 pts
Meets the required number of references; all references are peer-reviewed, academic references.
6.3 to >5.6 pts
Meets the required number of references; most of the references are peer-reviewed, academic references.
5.6 to >4.9 pts
Meets the required number of references; some or all references are not peer-reviewed, academic references.
4.9 to >4.2 pts
Needs Improvement
Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references are not peer-reviewed, academic references.
4.2 to >0 pts
No references provided.
/ 7 pts
Clarity, writing mechanics, and SWS formatting requirements.
14 to >12.6 pts
Writing has very few spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors; few fragments, comma splices, and run-ons. 0–2 errors present.
12.6 to >11.2 pts
Writing has spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors that are distracting in a few places; few fragments, comma splices, and run-ons. 3–4 errors present.
11.2 to >9.8 pts
Writing has spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors that are distracting in a few places; some fragments, comma splices, and run-ons. 5–6 errors present.
9.8 to >8.4 pts
Needs Improvement
Writing has spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors that are distracting in a some places; some fragments, comma splices, and run-ons. 7–8 errors present.
8.4 to >0 pts
Writing has spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors, fragments, comma splices and run-ons that distract from the message. 9 or more errors present.
/ 14 pts
Total Points: 0

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