Instructions Imagine that you want to use a small-N design to test the impact of

Imagine that you want to use a small-N design to test the impact of social media use on your own behavior. You plan to alter one of your social media habits (for example, stop or start Facebook or start or stop Instagram) and measure your mood, study habits, social life, or some other measurable aspect.
Decide on a question that interests you (mood, study habits, social life, or some other aspect that may be impacted by social media use), and reflect on the small-N designs. Create a small-N study that would test whether changing some aspect of your social media use impacts the behavior you are interested in. Select from one of these designs:
Stable-baseline design (Fig. 13.12)
Multiple-baseline design (Fig. 13.14)
Reversal design (Fig. 13.15)
Write and attach an APA-7 formatted abstract using MS-Word (250 words max, 12pt font, double spaced) of your study. Include a graph, based on Figures 13.12, 13.14, or 13.15 to show that the intervention worked. Your abstract should include labels for Objective, Method, Results, Conclusion per Section 1.10 (p. 13) of the Concise Guide to APA Style (attached). No cover or references page for this assignment. Be sure your submission is in .doc or .docx format!
It is not necessary to actually perform the experiment, though it might be interesting to do so after you complete the assignment.

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