I WANT someone who actually can do this work. Because I don’t want once I assign

I WANT someone who actually can do this work. Because I don’t want once I assign that person and the work is not completed and the’s excuses, so before letting me assign you please review the work first and see if you can do it or not because I want it to be done in the next 5 or five and half hrs. So please have a look carefully so later you don’t give excuses why the work inst complete or answer it wrong. Please read the instructions in the PDF AND WHAT EVER IS IN THE RED WRITING IS A GUIDE FOR YOU TO ANSWER THE QUESTION OR EVEN ANSWER FOR SOME OF THEM SO DO NOT IGNORE IT. there is 3 role play of this work and one email, and you need to write a script for each role play and do it correctly according to the instruction because I’m going to use that script and present to class. So please do it right. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CHECK THE CHECKLIST PLEASE. BECAUSE TO GET A GOOD MARK I NEED TO COVER WHAT’S ON THE CHECKLIST SO PLEASE ANSWER AND DO IT BASE ON THE CHECKLIST MAKE SURE YOU COVER EVERYTHING THAT ON THE CHECKLIST AND NO PLAGIARISM ALSO IF THERE’S ANYTHING TO DO WITH RESEARCH PLEASE MAKE IT RELATED TO AUSTRALIA OTHERWISE ANSWER IT BASE ON CHECKLIST FOR EVERSIBLE ONE OF THEM. AND I WANT THIS WORK TO BE DONE ASAPPPPP……………………………………………………………………………PLEASE COMPLETE THE TASK/PART 1 FIRST AND ONCE DONE LET ME KNOW JUST GIVE A HEADS-UP AND YOU CAN CONTINUE WITH PART 2 AND THE REST IS THERE’S ANY CONFUSION LET ME KNOW ILL HELP BUT I NEED THIS WORK TO BE DONE ASAP WITH THE CORRECT WORK. AND DONT ASK FOR EXTRA FEE

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