I am offering a Find the Flag project that you can do on your own time using a

I am offering a Find the Flag project that you can do on your own time using a packet analysis tool (Wireshark).
I am providing you two packet capture files and you have to find the flags in them.
Unzip the folder Haxx0rthon Download Haxx0rthonOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReaderwhere you will find the pcap files. It is due at – May 10th.
1. helpfulwine.pcap
2. numberlesslove.pcap
Turn in a .txt file with your first initial and last name. (For instance, mine would be spaul.txt)
3033 Hacker Wars!
This is an introduction to the world of cyber competition 🙂
Use the free resources available on TryHackMe.com, HackTheBox.com and/or HackerWars.io.
These websites will introduce you to a gaming category created for those that want training at all levels in penetration testing.
I urge you to choose a level that will teach you something different.
I do not require you to purchase a subscription to complete the lab.
If you would like to learn from scratch, start with the tutorials and course/certification
You can do one or more of the cyber game websites (It’s all about which one you ENJOY using the most. There is no right or wrong, I promise!)TryHackMe Free Trial (subscription based) – Pre-Security level Try Hack Me
Hacker Wars (Free with ads) – Hacker WarsLinks to an external site.
HacktheBox Free Trial (subscription based) – Hack The BoxLinks to an external site.
Deliverable: A docx or pdf of a progress status from one or more of these sites.

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