I already completed first half of the paper. The requirements for the second hal

I already completed first half of the paper. The requirements for the second half is as follows:
The second half of your paper will then consist of you identifying a problem area of housing relevant to the course literature. Pick one area of study from our entire course that you have been writing towards in your syntheses, and decide on a place that you would like to study regarding that issue. This will require some research and background on your part, so do NOT procrastinate on this part of the project. Once settled, then do the following: Explain, in detail, the cause of housing issues or problems in a place of your choice within the context of the topic you are studying ( some examples include, but are not limited to, segregation, development, legal frameworks…etc.). You are free to choose an entire state, a metropolitan area, or even a specific municipality. A brief tip here, the more specific you are about your chosen problem and discussing that literature on causes of said problem, the easier the assignment will be. So, be thorough in your citations. It will make your life and your writing much easier.
Research a solution. This is really the point of the assignment, and probably the section of which you can devote most of your time. In providing your solution, you must choose something that: A) Specifically addresses a solution that may serve in your chosen place, B) Has been used before in another instance somewhere in the world or have been attempted somewhere at some time (another country is fine) C) Have literature and studies done on the solution that you can discuss to argue for your solution. Thus, your proposed solution must address your topic and also not have been created out of thin air. It must be rooted in literature and have studies and/or results that you can discuss. This section of the paper should also discuss how your solution will be tailored to fit your case.
Your thesis statement will be absolutely key to this project and you should spend a considerable amount of time on it. As in: What has the literature of this course led you to identify and why/how does YOUR proposal help solve the problem? A great thesis will give you something to write to, don’t rush it!
I have attached my synthesis and part of the second part that I started in the paper here. Please let me know if you want anything else. I have also provided an outline to follow. I do think 2 pages should be enough but, if not, I will tip you after the work has been completed. BONUS: if you can proofread this paper.

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