Formal Report Assignment Length: 10 pages (body should be 5 pages) single-space

Formal Report Assignment
Length: 10 pages (body should be 5 pages) single-spaced
Initial Contributions to Draft: due by April 14 (25 points)
Complete Rough Draft: due by Sunday, April 21 (50 points)
Final Individual Reports: due by Sunday, April 28 (150 points)
When writing proposals, remember that they must be persuasive, not merely descriiptions. Like the persuasive sales message assignment (Chapter 8), effective proposals must get the reader’s attention, show the problem, and demonstrate how the proposal will help. Present ideas clearly and logically, making it easy for the reader to understand. Anticipate the needs of the audience. Your goal is to share key findings that are relevant to your audience with the goal of persuading them to act. What matters to the audience? How will this benefit or impact them?
In the formal report, you will include the following required parts (for details about each, see section 10-6 in the textbook):
Cover (be creative)
Title Page (include title of the paper, name of the organization or individual the proposal is submitted to, author names, and date)
Table of Contents
Executive summary (a quick paragraph of overview — no more than 10 lines of text on its own page)
Introduction (HINT: write introductions after the body and conclusion)
Get the reader’s attention
Provide any relevant background information
Give an overview of the purpose and scope of the proposal
Body (*start the paper here and then do other sections — should be approx. 5 pages)
Show the problem
Show who is impacted
Demonstrate why this topic deserves funding
Make the proposal — show what needs to be done [optional: show multiple possible solutions then recommend one]
Describe the benefits of your proposal — show how it will help
Conclusion/Recommendation (including a request for authorization to take next steps)
OPTIONAL: Appendix (any extra materials you want to include)
References (use APA format)
Follow the format for the formal reports as described in the textbook. Include clear headings to divide the sections and lead readers through the report. You may create any infographics or use graphics from sources (just be sure to cite everything in APA format). Reports must include information from at least 4 academic sources (sources that cite other sources in a works cited page or list of references). Any facts included in your report should be cited in APA format. The citations should follow APA format, so review the format in Appendix B. The goal of the proposal is to persuade your audience to take action related to your topic.
The body portion of the report should be approximately 5 pages single-spaced, but should include graphics and headings as part of the content. The finished paper is likely to be around 10 pages long.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I am happy to help with the research process, with content questions, with proofreading decisions, etc. If you were at work, you would not be writing alone. Reach out to people you trust to give you feedback as you work.
Due on Apr 28, 2024 11:59 PM

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